Denial is one of the leading hallmark signs of drug addiction. It’s the main reason why you need a college student drug rehab in Texas to solve addiction problems among college students.
All addicts deny that they have a problem at some point in their substance-use life. The addict’s deep denial is the leading cause of the aggravation of the mental health condition. As a result, this leads to chronic addiction-related illnesses, such as organ damage and some types of cancers. Grace Counseling can assist someone who is dealing with addiction. Call 844.564.0712 now to learn more about addiction denial.
Drug Addiction Denial
Addiction convinces you that the problem is nonexistent. You’ll assure yourself that you aren’t an addict and that individuals who speak about your condition are mistaken. Instead, you’ll concentrate on what you believe are other people’s misguided evaluations and assumptions. Many people in denial mistake the actions of people who are trying to help as attempts to hurt them.
Several characteristics indicate the signs of drug addiction denial, such as:
- Manipulation tactics
- Making false promises of quitting
- Refusing help
- Rationalizing the need for the drug
- Denying that the drug is affecting you negatively, even when it’s evident
Several signs indicate whether a person is in addiction denial.
Getting Annoyed With Those Trying to Help
When you’re in addiction denial, anybody who shows concern regarding your substance use becomes your enemy. Your defensive approach to critics is an unconscious mechanism of protecting your addiction and getting rid of those who may threaten it.
Thus, denial prevents you from listening to the voice of reason and heeding to wise counsel from others. Fortunately, a Texas addiction treatment center can help you to organize an intervention if your loved one is an addict who doesn’t want to seek treatment.
Concealing Your Signs of Drug Addiction
Drug addicts often hide their behavior from loved ones. Consequently, you might be vague with your friends, failing to give enough details about the quantity or frequency of the substance you use. You might even reach a point of hiding your drug use altogether.
This is how chronic addicts avoid circumstances where they might end up hearing the bitter truth about the dangers of their drug use.
There are several typical methods of concealing addiction, including:
- Being economical with addiction information
- Dodging or evading addiction-related questions
- Giving vague answers to drug use questions
- Changing the subject when substance use questions come up
- Lying to others that you no longer abuse drugs
Finding Scapegoats for Your Addiction
Another common way of alcohol addiction denial in Texas is the failure to acknowledge your condition. Thus, you may start to blame your life circumstances on other people.
Some people who are struggling with addiction often ignore the fact that their actions affect everyone in their lives. Many of the negative impacts of the signs of drug addiction affect family members, friends, coworkers, church members, and even the government. Your substance use disorder can strain treatment facilities, and your loved ones who might end up nursing for chronic illnesses.
Focusing on Others Instead of Yourself
Many people with substance use disorders often compare their problem to what other addicts in their circles are undergoing. As such, many conclude that their condition is not as bad and that they might have it together; this is erroneous. When you’re in drug addiction denial, you’ll use such tactics to deflect attention away from yourself.
Seeing your loved one display the warning signs of drug addiction can be disturbing, frustrating, and strenuous, mainly when they’re still in denial. Fortunately, you can receive the much-needed assistance in a substance abuse treatment program if you’re concerned about someone’s welfare. At Grace Counseling, a team of mental health experts will customize for you an ideal treatment plan for the best outcomes. Call 844.564.0712 now to learn more.